For the past few days I've been using the Spring Equinox yoga practice, from the Yoga Through the Year book, as my early morning yoga practice. I've found the practice the perfect antidote to the jitters that arise as we prepare, here in the UK, for a gradual emergence from lockdown restrictions, and it's also great for calming the restlessness and agitation brought on by the surge of growing season energy that comes with the changing season. The Spring Equinox yoga practice has been designed to encapsulate the excitement and anticipation that comes with the arrival of spring. In the practice poses such as the Runner’s Lunge reflect a sense of being poised for action at the start of a race. The magic of leaves unfurling, blossoms opening, and the world waking up after its winter sleep is reflected in the flowing sequence of Child’s Pose into Upward-Facing Dog and back again. The exuberance of spring is expressed through poses such as Downward-Facing Dog with leg lifts. We choose the balancing pose Warrior 3 to mirror day and night being perfectly balanced at the equinox. Stabilizing poses such as Chair Pose help us stay grounded as the energy of the year revs up. I found the affirmations in the practice therapeutic and perfect for aligning my intentions with the energy of the coming growing season. The three affirmations are:
Spring Equinox Yoga Practice Overview
1. Standing Like a Tree. 2. Warrior 1 × 6 on each side. On final time stay for a few breaths with arms raised. 3a. and 3b. Warrior 3 variation × 4 on each side. On final time stay for a few breaths. Affirmation: I create balance in my life. 4. Chair Pose. Stay a few breaths. 5. Cat to Cow Pose × 6. 6. Runner’s Lunge Pose. Stay for a few breaths. Affirmation: Inner wisdom guides my actions. 7. Downward-Facing Dog Pose with leg lifts × 4 on each side. 8. Child’s Pose to Upward-Facing Dog × 6. Affirmation: I open to new possibilities. 9. Child’s Pose or Knees-to-Chest Pose. Rest for a few breaths. If you are short of time, finish your practice here. 10. Calming Cloud Meditation
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AuthorJilly Shipway, sharing seasonal yoga ideas and inspiration with you through the year... Categories
November 2023
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Disclaimer: if you have any concerns about your health or suitability to do yoga, please consult a medical professional before attempting any of the yoga routines in this blog.