Seasonal Yoga Online Study Courses & Resources - Get Inspired!
Find fresh inspiration for your Seasonal Yoga practice with my online courses, workbooks and digital downloads. On my online teaching platform you will find a treasure trove of yoga practices, meditations, visualisations, and relaxations to uplift your home yoga practice or refresh your teaching.
These Seasonal Yoga study resources show you how to work with the prevalent energy of each season and develop an authentic practice that makes you happier and healthier. Learn how to best work with the challenges and opportunities present throughout the Wheel of the Year. Explore mindfulness exercises, visualizations, meditations, and yoga poses and sequences that are specially designed for each season. Find out more...
Introduction to Seasonal Yoga - Free Online Course
Connect with the cycle of the seasons to find balance in your life This free mini-course gives you a comprehensive guide to the seasonal yoga approach and furnishes you with all the background information that you need to progress on to one of my Yoga Through the Year paid courses. I invite you, to take the first step towards increasing your seasonal awareness and empowering yourself to creatively integrate seasonal wisdom into your yoga practice and life. Find out more...
Barrett, Ruth. Women’s Rites, Women’s Mysteries: Intuitive Ritual Creation. Woodbury, MN, Llewellyn, 2007. Pages 177-210. Denton, Lynn Teskey. Female Ascetics in Hinduism.Albany: State University of New York Press, 2004. Gates, Janice.Yogini: The Power of Women in Yoga. San Rafael, CA: Mandala Publishing, 2006. Gifford, Jane. The Celtic Wisdom of Trees: Mysteries, Magic and Medicine. London: Godsfield Press Ltd, 2000. Goldberg, Natalie. Writing Down the Bones: freeing the writer within. Boston, Massachusetts: Shambala Publications Inc., 1986. Griffin, Susan. Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her. London, UK: The Women’s Press ltd., 1984. Gupta, Roxanne Kamayani. A Yoga of Indian Classical Dance: the yogini’s mirror. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, 2000. Holmes, Jean, with Bowker, John. Women in Religion. New York, New York: Continuum, 2004, Pages 59-84. Kindred, Glennie. Earth Wisdom: A heart-warming mixture of the spiritual, the practical and the proactive. London: Hay House Hay House UK, 2004. Kindred, Glennie. Earth Alchemy London: Hay House Hay House UK, 2005 Lasater, Judith. Living your Yoga: Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life. Berkeley, CA: Rodmell Press, 2000. McDaniel, June. Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls: Popular Goddess Worship in West Bengal. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Monk Kidd, Sue. The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A woman’s journey from Christian Tradition to the sacred feminine. New York, New York: HarperCollins, 2002. Nhat Hanh, Thich. The Long Road Turns to Joy: A guide to walking meditation. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 2011. Pinkola Estes, Clarissa. Women Who Run With the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman. London, UK: Random House, 1992. Pintchman, Tracy. Women’s Lives, Women’s Rituals in the Hindu Tradition. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Simmer-Brown, Judith. Dakini’s Warm Breath: The Feminine Principle in Tibetan Buddhism. Boston, Massachusetts: Shambala Publications Inc., 2003. Stoler Miller, Barbara. Yoga: Discipline of Freedom. The Yoga Sutra Attributed to Patanjali. New York, New York: Bantam Books, 1998. Stone, Merlin. When God was a Woman. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1976. Walker, Alice. We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness. London, UK: Orion Publishing Group, 2007. Walker, Barbara G. The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1988. Walker, Barbara G. The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1983. Wohlleben, Peter. The Hidden Life of Trees: What they feel, how they communicate. Discoveries from a secret world. Vancouver, BC, Canada: Greystone Books Ltd., 2015.
Yoga Practice
Bennett, Bija. Emotional Yoga: How the body can heal the mind. London, UK: Bantam Books, 2002. Farhi, Donna. Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit: A return to wholeness. New York, NY: Henry Holt Company, 2000. Kraftsow, Gary Yoga for Transformation. New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2002. Kraftsow, Gary Yoga for Wellness: Healing with the timeless teachings of Viniyoga. New York, NY: Penguin Group, 1999. Lee, Cyndi. Yoga Body, Buddha Mind. New York, NY: Riverhead Books, 2004. Powers, Sarah. Insight Yoga. Boston, Massachusetts: Shambala Publications Inc., 2008. Sabatini, Sandra. Breath the essence of yoga: a guide to inner stillness. London, UK: Thorsons, 2000. Scaravelli, Vanda. Awakening the Spine: The stress-free new yoga that works with the body to restore health, vitality and energy. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991.
Yoga for Beginners
Lasater, Judith. 30 Essential Yoga Poses for Beginning Students and Their Teachers. Berkeley, CA: Rodmell Press, 2003. Pierce, Margaret D., and Pierce, Martin G. Yoga for Your Life: a practice manual of breath and movement. Portland, Oregon, Rudra Press, 1996. Rountree, Sage. Everyday Yoga At-home routines to enhance fitness, build strength, and restore your body. Boulder, Colorado: Velopress, 2015.
Mindfulness and Self-Compassion
Burch, Vidyamala, and Irvin, Claire. Mindfulness for Women: Declutter your mind, simplify your life, find time to ‘be’. London, UK: Piatkus, 2016. Gilbert, Paul. The Compassionate Mind. London, UK: Constable & Robinson Ltd., 2009. Nhat Hanh, Thich. Mindful Movements: Ten exercises for well-being. Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 2008. Susan M. Orsillo, and Roemer, Lizabeth. The Mindful Way through Anxiety: break free from chronic anxiety and reclaim your life. New York, NY: The Guildford Press, 2011. Williams, Mark, and Penman, Danny. Mindfulness: a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world. London, UK: Piatkus, 2011.
Ekhart Yoga Website, a wonderful resource for establishing a home yoga practice.